Lilian Chattin
- Born: Cir 1901, Hackney, London
General Notes:
Births Mar qtr 1901 Chattin Lilian Hackney 1b 533
1911 Census - completed by head of family Name Relationship Status Years Married Age Occupation Birthplace Thomas Edward Hollinshead Head Married age 28 Engine Fitters Labourer Stafford Stafford Lucy Hollinshead Wife Married 7 Years age 47 Wolverhampton Mona Chattin Stepdaughter age 13 School Wolverhampton Lily Chattin Stepdaughter age 10 School London Hackney
Rg14pn17012 Rg78pn1051 Rd369 Sd4 Ed3 Sn252
Address: 131 Dunstall Road Wolverhampton
1921 Census 131, Dunstall Road, Wolverhampton, Staffordshire First name Last name Relationship to head Sex Age Birth place Occupation Employer Thomas E Hollinshead Head Male 38 Stafford, Staffordshire Filters Labourer Laco Steame Shed G W Ry Lucy Hollinshead Wife Female 57 Wolverhampton, Staffordshire Home Duties - Mona E G Chattin Step-daughter Female 23 Wolverhampton, Staffordshire General Clerk Insurance Brokers & Estate Agents, F J Shortand Son Lily Chattin Step-daughter Female 20 Hackney, London Grocers, Caster Wholesale Grocers And Provision, Edwin Blakemore And Son register Household 2 People 28 Dunstall Road , Wolverhampton C.B. First name Last name DOB Sex Occupation Marital status Thomas E Hollinshead 10 Nov 1882 Male Fitters Labourer Heavy Worker Widowed Lillian Chattin 20 Feb 1901 Female Butchers Cashier Single